Upcoming events.

Skate Night
Skate Night at Cabin John ice rink
10610 Westlake Dr, Rockville, MD 20852
RSVP required: https://forms.gle/kua93LFbwFJmPpti6
PTA will cover fees for all Somerset students and 1 adult, additional tickets available at a discounted rate.

Circle of Giving Dance Party
You are Invited!
Friday, Feb 21, 6:00-8:00pm, APR (All Purpose Room)
Admission: an unexpired, non-perishable food donation to benefit the Somerset Pantry
Dancing, DJ, Pizza = Party! All students and families welcome!
Come join us for Somerset Elementary's favorite dance party!
RSVP HERE by Monday, February 17.
Due to space limitations we will have to cap attendance at 265 attendees - so make sure you RSVP early to reserve a spot!
Parents: We need a few extra volunteers that evening! Help get the APR party ready, welcome attendees, pass out pizza to hungry dancers and more!
Volunteers sign up HERE. Questions? Jackie Sandler and Victoria Levitas

PTA General Membership Meeting
PTA General Membership Meeting: all are invited (meeting to include votes on by-laws updates for paid members)

Day of Service Honoring MLK Jr.
Somerset families are invited to participate in a special community service project. If you and your family are interested in joining, please sign up on this LINK. We will share more details about the location and hours as they are confirmed in the coming weeks.